I’ve said it all before; Legere reeds are terrific! I use them on all of my horns now: soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, clarinet, Eb clarinet and bass clarinet. Thanks for a great product!
The Signature 3.5 works great on soprano! It has a clean response and extremely wide color palette at all dynamics; it's especially useful at high altitude and cold weather.
On my Soprano sax Legere gives me the excellent voicing I love! Super consistent from reed to reed. My search is over, I no longer play anything else!
We're so thankful for your positive review and are glad you had a great experience!
The reed was excellent, as all my other Legere reeds, but I never tried them on my sop, I got the wrong strength. True to their advertising, they sent me another strength one.
We're so thankful for your positive review and are glad you had a great experience!
The signature Legere Reed has a very balanced sound that is not excessively bright on a variety of Soprano mouthpieces. I highly recommend this reed to anyone trying to settle on an everyday reed for all music styles and volumes.
We truly appreciate your feedback and are grateful for your kind words!