I have found the french cut alto reed to be just a bit more mellow than the American cut reed. When I want to be bold and cutting I use the American cut and when I want to be more expressive musically with my alto I use the French cut. I originally purchased the 2.5 size but with the generous exchange program I was able to receive the 2.25 size which turns out to be the exact size of reed which works for me.
I use 2.0 French cut legere reeds and i really appreciate there consistent quality and dark sound!
I started using for teaching due to having long periods in between playing and using multiple instruments, but I've slowly transitioned to using them for teaching and performing! They're consistent and produce a great tone quality.
I discovered the French Cut line last summer as an undergraduate student and they have not failed me since. They are easy to maintain, consistent in tone, and last a while. Worth the investment especially if you need to have your reeds ready on the go.
I was getting tired of sorting through boxes to find good reeds. I was recommended to try Légère and I don't know if I will ever go back to cane reeds. The French Cut for alto works perfectly with my Selmer Concept and Caravan mouthpieces to give me that dark tone.